Rainbows - The 42 Degrees Project

Art, science, nature, religion, sexuality, myth and legend - few things can claim to have a part to play in such a broad spectrum of topics - but the rainbow can. And yet they are an object that does not exist in any reality other than our eyes ability to see light reflected through rain at an angle of 42 degrees. Strange that something so seemingly real and powerful is little more than an optical trick of the light, an illusion. Whatever they may mean or not though, how real or unreal they may be, they are undeniably beautiful. Such a shame that in today's modern art space" beauty" is so often seen as an unflattering and devaluing word. Indeed, no doubt rainbows are considered to be "cheesy" by many a "serious" photographer, for lack of better words. But to have become so cynical and shut off to such wonders is not for me. We live in a beautiful world, and such wonderous gifts from nature as rainbows, are things to be celebrated and documented. There are few better places to do that than on the coast where the horizon stretches as far as the eye can see and rainbows shine in all their glory from top to bottom. I have been documenting rainbows for five years now and aim to have a rainbow representing each month of the year - 42 Degrees in January to 42 Degrees in December.